HPP Cebren
Тhis project will be implemented under the competence of Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning.
The partition place Cebren is located at the River Crna Reka, 81 km upstream from its inflow in the River Vardar, near the village Manastir and about 7 km upstream of the Bridge Rasimbegov (Rasimbegov Most), in the canyon part of Crna Reka.On this part there is already constructed HPP Tikves with regular accumulation level of 265,00 meters above the sea level, while for the remaining canyon part of Crna Reka there are analyzed several variant solutions for its energetic utilization, while in the preceding study phase of designing, it is accepted to be constructed two dam hydro power plants with significant accumulation space and they are: HPP Galiste with regular accumulation level of 392,00 meters above the sea level HPP Cebren with regular accumulation level of 565,00 meters above the sea level.
In February 2016 there was a public announcement (in the Financial Times and the web site of the MEPP) for expression of interest for designing, construction and concession of Cebren and Galiste, on which 11 techno-economic solutions from interested companies were submitted. In February 2017, the Contract was signed with Consultant for preparation of Prefeasibility study, in which as a basis will be considered received techno-economic solutions and overall project documentation so far made for the two hydroelectric plants.