Wind Power
Wind Park Bogdanci, the first of its kind in Republic of North Macedonia, was completed in February 2014th and it use the wind as source for generating electrical energy. The erecting and construction of the wind turbines on the location Ranavec was finalized as of 20th of February when the most complex part of the 76 day construction officially was concluded. By the end of March 2014th in a coordinated operation of the three power companies, ELEM (now ESM), MEPSO and EVN , the WPB was connected to the power grid trough the Valandovo substation.
The turbines are product of Siemens – Denmark and are considered among the best of their class. The installed capacity of each turbine is 2.3 MW, the height of the pole is 80 meters and the diameter of the rotor blade is 93 meters. WP „Bogdanci” delivers about 100 GWh renewable energy annually, sufficient for households of more than 60.000 people in RNM. Simultaneously, the installed capacity is increased for 36,8 MW. This project increases the rate of the renewable sources in AD ESM portfolio which presents another indicator for the care towards the environment.
The following step is the Wind Park Bogdanci – phase II, construction of 4 to 6 wind turbines (type SWT 2,3 – 93), each with nominal value of 3 to 4 MW and it will have total installed power of 13,8 MW and nominal annual electricity production of 37 GWh. In addition, the park includes construction of access roads and 20 kV cables.